
Your special day deserves to be commemorated in a way that captures the emotions, joy, and love shared. Our wedding videography services go beyond conventional coverage, focusing on the unique story of your union. From intimate ceremonies to grand celebrations, we artfully weave together moments that will be cherished for a lifetime, providing you with a cinematic masterpiece to relive and share with generations to come.
Patrick and Alycia
What We Offer
Lovebird Package
6 Hours of Coverage
1 Videographer
3+ Minute Highlight Film
Deliver Via Online Gallery
Happily Ever After Package
8 Hours of Coverage
1 Videographer
3+ Minute Highlight Film
Full Length Ceremony and Reception Events
Deliver Via Online Gallery
Eternal Bliss Package
10 Hours of Coverage
2 Videographers
4+ Minute Highlight Film
Full Length Ceremony and Reception Events
Deliver Via Online Gallery
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Extra Videographer - $100 / hr
Red Carpet Experience - $425
A delightful addition to your wedding celebration, this service captures the unique stories and well-wishes for the bride and groom. Along with your highlight video for your wedding you will receive a long-form video of all the interviews from guests at your wedding.
*Requires a 2nd Videographer
Full Length Wedding Video - $725
In addition to receiving a captivating highlight video, you'll will receive an enchanted 10-15 minute cinematic masterpiece. This video not only captures the essence of your wedding but unfolds the narrative with multiple angles, intimate moments, and cinematic details, ensuring that every glance, smile, and cherished memory is artfully preserved to be relived for a lifetime.